game-bank-1003148_640Hello and welcome to my blog! If you landed here, then you are searching for a useful resource for all things online casinos. At the time of writing this post, the blog might be quite empty and at a very ’embryonic’ stage but don’t get fooled by this. I seriously plan on changing this as soon as possible. I’ve planned quite a lot of articles about all aspects of online casinos: the games, the software, the bonuses, the support, the security, the mobile versions and more. Furthermore, I plan on covering the most interesting titles out of the latest news from the online gambling industry. This calls out for a lot of work so I will try and keep things short and to the point. This way I will be able to keep up with everything that’s going on and you won’t waste your time in reading unnecessary stuff.

That’s all that I wanted to say in regards to my plans about the blog. Now it’s your turn! You can help me shape this site into a comprehensive guide for all beginner players out there as well as a useful resource for the experienced players. Make sure to send me all your questions and stories so that I can get a better idea about what you, the reader wants. This way I will choose topics that are more interesting for you and will be able to help more people. For now I’m planning on starting with something very basic, like beginners guide to gambling online, or something of the sorts, but in the future I want to dig deeper into the topics and provide more detailed information about the things that interst you. Something that you will certainly see at a certain point is also game reviews. So, please, don’t hesitate to write to me at I will always answer and will always create pages on the topics you suggest as soon as possible.